A Classical Twist on Country Grammar? J’Moris is Back With New Single ‘Being Humble’

It would seem J’Moris took a bit of a break after releasing his most recent LP, Moris Better: Loveless Confessions, as he usually releases pretty rapidly. Singles seem to just flow out of this Texas rapper at least once per month, but it’s always good to give the creativity a rest after a big release, and Loveless Confessions was, indeed, big for J’Moris. On Spotify, nine of his ten current most played tracks are from that album. His latest single, “Being Humble,” released late last month, however, is already on their tails.

With a strong, smooth R&B musical theme in Loveless Confessions, it seems J’Moris wanted to break out and do something different with “Being Humble,” though his work is never short on surprises. This time, however, the listener is hit with it right away: a plucky classical arrangement in the intro that matches the beat and runs throughout the track. Produced by European beatmakers Anywaywell, the pizzicato of the unconventional strings also adds a more percussive quality to J’Moris’s verse.

It’s an interesting marriage, as J’Moris’s voice is usually smooth and his flows more round, so the way he’s worked around the beat to fit to it but also keep his style is another surprise in this track. Dirty south and trap-based by word and deed, “Being Humble” shows that J’Moris is far from a mumble rapper and has the styll flexitiliby to try somethng different and even make it pop.

Lyrically, the message of “Being Humble” is yet another surprise, though fans are probably prepared for that. By the title, one might think that the verse would be a cautionary or moral tale about staying humble but J’Moris has almost the complete opposite on his mind. He’s “sick of being humble,” in fact, according to the chorus, and no longer wants to downplay his achievements of try to pull slacker friends along who won’t pull thier own weight. It’s a concept a number of famous artists have talked about and an inconvenient truth for anyone who wants to achieve their goals. Leaving behind your original friends may be sad or difficult sometimes, but it’s also their decision not to keep pace with you. In declaring he no longer wants to be humble, J’Moris is recognizing he can no longer dim his star to make others comfortable.

What’s the point of having your cake if you can’t eat it? It’s hard to enjoy the fruits of your labor when being humble.

With a cheeky video directed by Artist Named Chi, who also collaborated with J’Moris on the Friday-themed “Activated” video, the rapper’s new stance is clear: he’s not going to apologize for enjoying the fruits of his labor. He also just happened to make “Being Humble,” a fun, funky banger out of his existential musings. Not bad for his first single since Loveless Confessions. 

“Being Humble” is out now and can be streamed on Spotify. Check out J’Moris’s YouTube channel for more videos.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: A Classical Twist on Country Grammar? J’Moris is Back With New Single ‘Being Humble’


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